Monday, February 10, 2025

Education Creations Blog for Teaching Tips and Ideas

Welcome to the Education Creations blog page where you will discover information about EC as well as tips for teachers and home-schools!

Why isn't this blog updated more frequently? This blog is not "usual" that, it is here just to give ideas and share free items.

Education Creations has been online since 2005, providing teachers and homeschools with quality educational materials for PK - 6th grade.

Some of the pictures used in worksheets are from Graphics Factory.

Visit FREE for many more ideas and resources!

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Education Creations - This and That

By deb on 12/5/2018 6:14 PM
Fun coloring sheet to reinforce addition skills.
By deb on 12/4/2016 6:58 AM
Here is a fun way to reinforce student awareness of odd and even numbers! Play this as a whole class activity or in a small group.
By deb on 7/18/2016 10:06 AM
Students often make careless mistakes due to not following directions. If your students need practice on this critical skill, try this fun paper!
By deb on 3/26/2016 6:11 AM
Graphing:  Students must write three questions about a pictograph.
By deb on 11/4/2015 8:14 AM
A fun cut and paste or whole group game activity for multiplication facts practice, just in time for Thanksgiving!
By deb on 8/23/2015 9:47 AM
Learning to identify the shapes can be fun for your students! Cut and Paste Activity.
By deb on 4/23/2015 11:08 AM
Does teaching something by using a song work? Yes! Here is an idea for teaching about vertical, horizontal, and oblique lines.
By deb on 4/16/2015 7:03 AM
Time is short for teachers, so combining skills is a great way to make use of our time. Bell work that contains multiple skills for daily review is one such way to do this.
By deb on 1/21/2015 12:26 PM
Whether you need to reinforce spelling words, phonics sounds, or math, you can use a bingo game to make this practice fun!
By deb on 8/16/2014 7:40 AM
Sharpen your students' math skills by simply practicing math skills mentally each day.
By deb on 6/17/2014 4:16 PM
Addition Game for Independence Day
By deb on 6/11/2014 9:53 AM
Is subtraction intimidating for your students? Try this fun activity to teach subtraction to your students.
By deb on 5/23/2014 6:44 AM
Fill that five minutes before recess or lunch with a fun educational game!
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