Monday, February 10, 2025

Education Creations Blog for Teaching Tips and Ideas

Welcome to the Education Creations blog page where you will discover information about EC as well as tips for teachers and home-schools!

Why isn't this blog updated more frequently? This blog is not "usual" that, it is here just to give ideas and share free items.

Education Creations has been online since 2005, providing teachers and homeschools with quality educational materials for PK - 6th grade.

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Education Creations - This and That

Jul 30

Written by: deb
7/30/2016 7:49 AM  RssIcon

When you would like a new, fun way to teach your spelling list, try this group activity!

Spelling Race: This is a great game to play to help students with spelling list words,  core words, or new vocabulary words. Group your students into rows or small groups. This spelling race board for the overhead will help to fill up those five and ten minute blocks of time! (No overhead? Just print off a copy of the game board and hang in by the whiteboard for a quick round before lunch.) How to play? Give a student within the group a word to spell. If he gets it right, mark an x in the box for that team. If he misses it, offer it to the next group (this group gets to "steal" the word and will not miss its regular turn in the rotation.) First team to fill in all the squares wins the spelling race!

Download the game sheet.  CLICK HERE

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Happy Teaching!

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