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Education Creations Blog for Teaching Tips and Ideas

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Education Creations - This and That

Aug 19

Written by: deb
8/19/2014 7:20 AM  RssIcon

Even though you may teach 5th or 6th grades...even high school...your students just might love to hear a great picture book story! Take the time to read to your students. There are many wonderful ideas that can be used to help with comprehension skills, even when you read to them!

Here is a list of some awesome picture books to share with your students:

* Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
* All Dr. Seuss books
* Another Fine Mess
* A Bad Case of the Stripes
* Bedhead
* A Chair for My Mother
* Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
* Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
* Diary of a Spider
* Diary of a Worm
* The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins
* Doctor Desoto
* Goodnight Moon
* I Love You the Purplest
* I Love You Stinky Face
* If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (and others in this series)
* Lily's Purple Plastic Purse
* The Little Engine That Could
* Lon Po Po
* Miss Nelson is Missing (A must for the beginning of the school year!)
* Miss Nelson is Back
* Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!
* Owl Moon
* Once There Was a Bull...(frog)
* The Pig Who Ran a Red Light
* Piggie Pie!
* The Polar Express
* Rainbow Fish
* The Relatives Came
* The Story About Ping
* Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
* The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
* Where the Wild Things Are

What do I do after I read the story?

* One great idea is called CPS...Creative Problem Solving. You read the story until the point where the "problem" is introduced...then stop. Divide the students into brainstorming groups and ask them to first identify the story's problem. Then ask them to list as many solutions to the problem as they can think of and list them on a piece of paper. Give them five to ten minutes to do this. Then ask them to rate each solution and decide on the one the group feels is the best. Discuss all of the problems/solutions chosen with the students before reading the end of the story.

* Discuss each character in the story asking students to identify the character traits that each shows.

* Discuss the setting and other key factors in the story.

* Ask students how a particular story might fit into their lives.

Do you have other titles or ideas you believe should be added to this list? Please drop me a note at

Happy Teaching!

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