What EC customers have to say...
- By the way, I LOVE your site. I use it all the time. I appreciate that you don't put the specific grade level on the sheets but just use a number "code". I teach special ed and my students are below grade level but are very sensitive to having to do work at a lower grade level. This way they don't know the grade level of the work.
- I already put the new expiration date in my calendar, so I don't lose a single day of EC! It is too valuable a resource to be without. I use your materials constantly for my self-contained Life Skills classroom. The price is a real bargain!
- I just subscribed to your site a couple of days ago and I have to tell you that the more I look through it the more I find! It is so exciting to see everything I need in one place! I work with special education students in grades k-4 and your one site is able to provide me with all of the materials I need to support their learning across all areas of the curriculum and at all levels of need. It also allows me to effectively differentiate instruction without spending time looking through innumerable web sites and/or resource books. I have never subscribed to an education web site before but this one is well worth the very reasonable cost. Thank you for all of the time you have obviously spent compiling all of these resources.
- I adore your site. I teach a self-contained class of mild-moderate mentally handicapped students and your site has been an absolute life saver!
- Your site has given me so many card materials for my class and the common core stuff has given me a huge relief for getting started and meeting the common core stuff.
- I just wanted to let you know what a lifesaver your site is! I have been using it since the spring, and it is fantastic! I teach math, and I have been using the daily strictly standards pages for nightly homework. They make a fantastic spiral review! I also love the problem solving booklets. Thanks so much for making my job so much easier!
- You guys are wonderful! Thank you. I have certainly used the morning math and daily work for the wide range of levels in my classroom. I also have enjoyed the neat way you have to introduce multiplying by 2's and the great content reading passages for comprehension. It is a one stop site to differentiate instruction for my kids this year!
- I am a special education teacher with students in grades 3-8. As you can imagine, finding useful materials for all of them at their different levels has been a challenge. However, your websites have been a life saver and I have found many things that are just perfect!!
- I love using these worksheets on my Smartboard and having the kids help me answer the questions as a self starter or warm up to what we are doing.
- Just wanted to let you know how MUCH I appreciate your hard work. I'm really enjoying the "Daily Work" for fourth grade. In the past I've used another series, but yours is SUPERIOR - it incorporates English, spelling, and math in a simple daily worksheet.
- I love these and think that they are very useful. (EC Little Books) My students can use more help with comprehension during reading. Keep them coming!
- Thanks for sharing your time, talent, preparation, and sharing it with all of us. I am going now to Second Grade for this coming fall and will be looking at materials for Second Grade. My kids that I taught this past year loved the morning work. It was fun to show them that I was using the Second Grade materials at the last month and a half of their school year to better prepare them for the coming year. They felt very grown up and accomplished.
- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I love your site..it helps me so much and the daily language, I swear to it, improves my students scores
- I used the math adventures k1 for one of my students who has intense special needs. It was great! He was able to read it independently, and completed the questions without help. It is wonderful because I struggle to find materials to use for my classroom. I have a classroom of MD students with intense needs and it is difficult to find materials that are on their level and that can be adapted for students who can not write. I appreciate the cut and paste because most of my students can complete these independently. I use the file folder method for many of your materials since my students need multiple repetition to learn new skills. Thanks for working so hard to come up with these items. You have saved me so much time.
- I have been teaching for 13 years and just located your web site. It is unbelievable. I wish I had found it years before. Thanks for all of the excellent material. My students will certainly appreciate your creativity.
- Thank you very much for your dedication to your site and your awesome customer service!!!
- Thanks for taking time to be a personal filing cabinet..with multiple grades and a super affordable price.
- I love the group stories. My students have a great time with these!
- I just love your site. I am a 3/4 teacher and I use your worksheets every week for review! Thanks for your wonderful site!
- I love these sheets. (morning math) i use them in my special ed classroom during Math time...we do one together and send the other for homework...I love that you can download a week at a time
- I enjoyed your site so much last year that I could hardly begin a new school year without it. Thanks so much for all your hard work.
- I really like the education creations little books. Thanks for all the hard work that you put into this site.
- Thank you so much! (for adding more Write and Draw) They are really helping to build my students' confidence in writing. I'm very thankful to have found your site! It makes things so much easier!
- I love these worksheets…they are quick and easy to grade with the class, use them in centers, or use as homework. They are an excellent source for review as well toward the end of the year or before state testing begins. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this program.
- Your work on this site is a God send! I am a special ed teacher and have so many different instructional levels ….thanks for all you do!
- I have to tell you that I absolutely LOVE this site! I have been looking for some math review activities that spiral, and yours are perfect! I also love that you have state standard and common core versions, as our state (Pennsylvania) is in the process of transitioning to the common core. I discovered your site last week, and I have found so many valuable resources already. Thank you again for this user-friendly resource!
- I love these sheets (Common Core math, grade 1) I have been using your daily math sheets with my class for a few years and have noticed a HUGE increase in their abilities! Actually I think all the primary grade teachers in my building are now using your website!
I am so excited about this website and what it offers!! I am student teaching right now and love having all of these wonderful resources!
Love your site. I KNOW the math morning work prepares my students for the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA). I can't LIVE without it! Thanks for such an awesome website.
Your website is awesome! I have such a diverse class, reading levels from below 4 to above 30, so your website will help so much!
I explored more of your worksheets sets I haven't looked at before- they are so fantastic for my ESE students.
Thank you!!!! I love love love your site!! Makes differentiating for my students a breeze. Keep up the great work.
I just want to let you know how much I have appreciated your resources this year. I used the morning math and math homework page the entire year. I just got back my standardized test results. 7 of my kids scored in the top 5% of our state in Math! This is a huge feat, because our school is on academic probation and is very near a state takeover! I had 78% pass the math... My principal asked me what I may have done differently.... As I reflected on this, I realized that I am using your math resources everyday, twice a day. The way these pages spiral essential skills throughout the year have helped my students practice and retain these skills. I have been teaching 4th grade for 14 years, and never have had this amount of success in math! My students and I discussed the morning work and homework that they had this year. They told me that they actually like the homework because they knew exactly what to expect on their homework. We would go over any questions that they might have had on the morning work, so there were no surprises when they took their homework home. I will also have to let you know that most of my students completed their nightly math homework each week. Thanks for such an easy to use resource and one that I finally can say, helped my class become successful math students!!!!
Hello! I will be retiring at the end of the year. I wanted to tell you how much I have utilized and praised your website! Thank you so much for making the last 3 years that I have used your site much easier!!! Keep up the great job!
Thank you for making my day with your e-mail this morning! You definitely know how to run a business and keep your customers happy!
I recently subscribed to your site and it is the best site I have ever used!!
I wanted to tell you about a really nice compliment our first grade team got this year from the second grade teachers. They told us that our students were really well prepared in math this year. We attribute that success to using your morning math and homework lessons all of last year. We are also using them faithfully this year. My team and I are very thankful for your website. It is obvious that you are a very gifted educator!
This is my first year teaching and I just want to say thank you for this website! The more I look around, the more amazing things I discover and want to use in my classroom.
I truly love the site and use it ALL the time with my home-schooling!
I love your site and have recommended it to many teachers. I use it regularly and feel it really has assisted my students in being more successful in the learning of basic skills and needed strategies. I especially like the fact that your site addresses skills K-5 since I changed positions and now teach in a Learning Disabilities Resource room situation. With so many levels it is great to have a site that I can pull skill sheets for everyone without searching continuously to meet the needs of all my students.
This is the best site ever!!!! I teach English and the daily work for my middle school students is soooo helpful. Thank you for having a site that really works and updates and has worksheets that enhance the learning of the classroom. I am very appreciative!
I want to take this opportunity to thank you. I teach ELD at ........ in California. This is a K-12 school, with a 62% ELL population. Because we have a total student population of 724, the teachers here wear many hats. I teach grades 6 through 12, beginning through advanced language levels. Since I found your site last summer, I have used it consistently. It has been wonderful. I know you meant this for elementary, but it works for my needs, too. I use your daily language practices for class openers. They are 'user friendly' and enable me to reinforce language structures in an easy and noninvasive manner. At the end of January, we had semester finals throughout the district ...... My students scored almost 35% higher than last year. By state mandate, we use a text and program called High Point, .... High Point has been in place for three years; the jump in scores I attribute directly to your DLPs. I can not tell you how much I appreciate all your work. |
I would like to take time to tell you what a great resource you have made for teachers. I teach in a self-contained junior high program ranging from Pre-K to 8 grade in the way of ability - your site has made my job much more enjoyable. I am able to teach and not spend so much time creating. You are focusing on the right areas and the worksheets you make are very appealing to students with special needs as they are not busy and the directions are clear and to the point.
Just wanted to let you know that you have the absolutely best site in the world. I have used it continually in my first grade classroom ever since I joined. I feel so blessed to have found your site. Many times we as teachers feel we have to re-invent the wheel again and again in our classrooms. Every year we have to use our time to design worksheets that fit our children and help them practice what we are teaching. Your site is so wonderful because it is easy to access a variety of subject skills. I love the ability to pull things for all levels of ability right from your files. I so appreciate you…in the Fall when I had trouble finding a sign in sheet for open house...you were there for me and pulled together exactly what I needed. Not every online subscription comes with someone who is real and listens to your needs. You are doing a terrific job for teachers. |
You have such wonderful ideas that you have helped teach my children with autism such wonderful skills with creative and fantastic materials. I always tell people about your site and tell them what they are missing. |
I love these worksheets…they are quick and easy to grade with the class, use them in centers, or use as homework. They are an excellent source for review as well toward the end of the year or before state testing begins. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this program. |
Your materials are so fabulous. My students (and their parents) love your spelling packets. Thank you for sharing these resources! |
I am so happy to have a plethora of standards based resources to use for my kiddos!! Thank you for providing quality and engaging materials!!! |
Thank you for this site! I teach high school ESL, with about 10 different languages in my classes. The reading levels go from pre-K (very little knowledge of the English alphabet or sounds) to 4th grade, and the writing levels are a bit lower. These students have about a year and a half to learn enough English to pass state exams. Your site lets me address the individual needs of my students, and I don’t have to reinvent the wheel each week. Thank you for giving me back my weekends. |
I love the little books. I use them to test comprehension. They are great practice for the Terra Nova or Stanford 10. |
It is a wonderful site. I use it all the time with my ESE classes. |
I can't tell you how much difference your materials have made with my lesson planning and instruction. Because I teach multi grade special education students I am spending many hours planning and looking for new materials. Your site is a one stop site. I can find virtually everything I need to supplement my lessons. I truly appreciate all your hard work. My students love the games. |
I have spent the last 45 minutes looking at it and I am thrilled with it! I love the combined math/language worksheets. I love that there is a little of everything on each page--we can keep up on skills w/o having a jillion pages laying on the table to go through. |
I am so glad I discovered your site this fall. I visit almost everyday and have found so many things to use for my class. When we return to school after break I am starting a literature unit on Jan Brett. I was thrilled to find a Creative Problem Solving activity for one of her books, Daisy Comes Home. |
I am a new subscriber and I am just thrilled to have found your site! With budget cuts I so appreciate everything you have related to phonics. I have several special ed. 4th graders in with my other reading students this year. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to be using your picture / phonic icons that are not BABYISH! I have found so many user friendly, colorful, and meaningful activities. Thank you for not making this another worksheet only site!!! |
Your website is amazing. It is perfect for any teacher! |
Just wanted to let you know how MUCH I appreciate your hard work. I'm really enjoying the "Daily Work" for fourth grade. In the past I've used another series, but yours is SUPERIOR - it incorporates English, spelling, and math in a simple daily worksheet. |
Thank you for a wonderful site. I signed up for another year. I am finding that I am using it for my first grade classroom and my daughter who is now going into the 3rd grade. Your material is over the top of any other site I have belonged to. Thank you for everything and I am looking forward to another year. Your site is like Christmas.........you never know what surprise material will be added each time you open up. |
I will be using your website materials in my 4,5,6 grade English classroom next year! I am trying out some of the things I have found but want to use it all from the beginning of the year on during 2009-10. The materials are all very applicable and will be a great supplement to my existing curriculum. Great work!!! |
I truly believe with your excellent activities, it helped challenge my kids to have 70% pass the reading and math MAP tests. |
I love the sentence building worksheets!!! They are very helpful for my students. |
Thank you! Your site has really helped my students this year! |
I just wanted to let you know how wonderful your daily worksheets are - I use them at the beginning of every day. They are a quick and easy way for me to assess for understanding. |
I would like to thank you for all the good work you do. You have no idea how many times I go to your site for help. Keep up the good work. |
I've been teaching for 32 years and I think yours is one of the best sites on the internet for teachers. I really love it. Keep up the great work. I appreciate all that you do too!!!! |
I want to say "thank you" again, for all you do to help us help our students. You have great materials...and inspire equally great ideas for tie-ins. |
I have tried the Math Adventures Problem-Solving for grade 3 and love them. It's a fun way to get the kids' brains warmed up and thinking! Thank you for them, would love more!
What I've seen in just a few minutes is quite a treasure. I've been creating my own exercises. I think your site is fabulous.
I wanted to let you know that when I purchased this I understood that I would still have to search for lessons on the solar system, as that is what we are starting next week. Incredible, it's there too!! My search is over. |
I love the new EC Little Books with built in comprehension skills. I look forward to more of these! |
Thank you! I can't tell you how much I use your site. i just love the teacher/student friendly materials. You are a blessing to this second grade teacher!!! |
This site has been a "TEACHER'S Dream"!!! |
Thanks for creating such a wonderful website. It's just amazing! |
I have been on the site for the last hour, and I absolutely love it! |
I happened upon your website by accident. I subscribe to many education websites which quickly adds up. I immediately subscribed to yours and would like you to know how fabulous it is. I will not be renewing my other subscriptions. Your materials are thorough and comprehensive. Everything I need is here. I teach special needs students in grades kindergarten through 4th. Your price is affordable and I love all your activities. |
I truly love your site!!!!! The editing posters are so nice, as are all the posters. I have put several of your posters in my students' homework packet so parents have a quick refresher or reminder when they are helping their child. |
Just wanted to say the new noun and adjective worksheets are great. |
The thing I love most about your material is that the morning work is not just different things all the time but a combination of skills learned. Children need that repetition and practice. I love it!! |
Wow! Thank you for honoring my suggestion so quickly. |
Thank you for all the wonderful word problems for math - these are so helpful! |
(Morning Math) ...They are the best morning math pages I have seen yet! This is my sixth year teaching, and I got curious so I went to the site and figured $33 dollars is a bargain if it will help with teaching my curriculum.
I've been teaching for 13 years, and this is one of the best resources that I have come across since beginning my career in teaching. Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas!! I've been searching around daily, and have already used a lot of your ideas. |
Wanted to let you know how VERY VERY much I use your site. This is the best money I’ve spent in 28 years of teaching. Loved the new I Can Spell That Word!, more please, what great practice for decoding. Also loved Vocabulary, Matching, er, ir, ur. I use many of your ideas for centers, small groups, especially intervention for high-risk kids. They love the pictures and activities. Thanks so much for all your ideas! |
Thanks for creating such awesome resources. As a special ed teacher I love the range of grades the materials cover which really helps with individualizing. |
Just wanted to let you know how amazed I am at all of your creations....they seem to fit in perfectly with what I'm doing in third grade. My partner and I keep saying things like, "Did you see what she has on this website?" Amazing. |
Thank you! I use an awful lot of your great work in my classroom. I find it to be one of the best sites - that is truly grade level appropriate. |
Thank you so much for all of your work on this site. I had decided that I wanted to do some type of "daily language and math" when kids first come in. I was doing a search online because I didn't want to have to reinvent the wheel and there was your site - a godsend. It is exactly what I was looking for. |
When I found this website this morning, I have to admit that I did a little happy dance. The Daily Work is exactly what I was looking for, and you already did all the work - HURRAY! |
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your site! It's so wonderful to have this resource. Keep up the great work. |
Your website is amazing!! I can't get over how much you have done to make teaching easier. I can't get enough of your worksheets and ideas. Thanks!!! I will be spreading the word about your website to my colleagues! |
Thanks for your help. I truly love your site. I use the worksheets a lot. In fact, I use the Daily Math and Daily Language as a homework sheet. Last year I used the Daily work sheet as a homework sheet, but I feel the Daily Math and Language sheets best meet the standards on the CRCT, so I'm going to use those this year. Thank you so much for making things easier on teachers. |
I found your product very beneficial last year and my students did quite well on their end of year math test, due in part to the daily math practice sheets from your company. |
I just love the Dolch list dictionary! |
A friend referred me to your wonderful site. I'll never subscribe to another one--yours has it all and in teacher-friendly format! You are a real teacher/person!!!! I am so happy! My printer is still smoking from my first print-it-out session. LOVE, LOVE, Love the daily language/math. especially. |
Thanks for all your effort that you put into this site.....it is really worth while......it sure saves a lot of time looking through hard copy books, when you can easily access material quickly through a web site. I am a primary special ed teacher, and the key word to this position is flexibility.......and your site sure helps!
The new science and social studies reading comprehension sheets are just what I have needed. Thanks for making my job easier. |
Thanks for your hard work. Your site is a resource I could never do without. I used so many things with my first graders last year. This summer I have been using things with my son who is going into third grade just to keep the skills fresh. Your site is awesome!!! |
Thank you for all your hard work. Your passion is obvious! |
I just had to write one more time to thank you for all your hard work. I just checked out your website again to get ideas for both my tutoring and summer school activities for this week, and I was amazed by how much you had added! |
This is the first year ever that my students were confident during the standardized testing. What a difference your great worksheets have made. Thank you! |
I am so glad I found you a year ago. YOU are really enriching my curriculum. We are getting ready to do an EC math sheet this afternoon. The kids LOVE how your sheets are laid out; so easy to follow. |
I want you to know how much I am enjoying your site. I have used your morning math to make "math journals" for my first graders. I added some other skill sheets (days of school number grid, calendar, etc.) I had and they absolutely love it. They don't let the day go by without using them. Thanks so much for offering such a valuable resource. |
I wanted to let you know your website is astounding and I am so glad I subscribe to it. |
Thanks for creating such wonderful material for us at such a reasonable price. I appreciate all your hard work. |
Thanks for all you do to make our teaching jobs easier. |
I just have to thank you for your site. I joined in May, and have been so impressed with what you offer. I'll be telling other teachers about your terrific teacher site. Thanks for your dedication. I can tell you have a passion for what we do. |
The materials are just breath- taking and I certainly haven't looked through everything! Wow! This is new material that is standards based and creative. |
I absolutely love this site and use it daily. The quality of the material is top notch! I can tell you are an educator yourself! Thank you! |
Great work on the web site! I love all the phonics tools. My son wasn't taught that and it's a great help to me. |
Thanks for all of the hard work and dedication you put into creating an awesome resource for teachers. I know that my students have grown by leaps and bounds this year. We took AIMS last week and I know my class felt good about it...for once. I attribute it to the fact that we have been using the language and math sheets. YOU ARE GREAT!!! |
I am a recent member of your site. I just wanted to let you know that I found it really helpful for my classroom. In particular, I love the games. I use them for center activities all the time. |
I subscribe to many online sites for additional materials for my students. Educational Creations is fresh, creative, and has some of the most varied materials available, with math especially matched to standards. And what other site gives you a personal response? Bravo, Deb! |
I am just letting you know that I have started looking through all your ideas/activities and LOVE them. Thank you for putting the site together. I am teaching second grade with two other teachers and we are all very impressed. |
Thank you for all of the wonderful things you add regularly! Your site is absolutely the best and very applicable to my children. Thank you again and I do like the sentence building! |
I love your site.. It has improved my son’s vocab so much. Thank you. |
Thank you for adding science/language work. I hope that you will be adding more. These are perfect for helping my ELL students within the content area. Perfect! |
Thanks for your hard work on this AMAZING site! I can't begin to tell you how much I have used it! |
Seriously, this site is fantastic! What value for the money. Whenever I take the time to look around, I always find something new! Your materials are right on the standards! Thanks for all you do. |
I love the new Comprehension with Art worksheets! My kids love doing these! These worksheets really do help the kids to focus. Keep making these, because I know I will use them all! |
I just finished printing off my material for the next week that I use from your site. I just need to tell you again that it is by far the best site out there. Each time I go on, I find things I didn't even know were there. I just started looking at some of your games. I printed off a few to laminate tomorrow. WOW! Thank you for all your time and dedication. |
I love these sheets. I use them in my special ed classroom during Math time...we do one together and send the other for homework. I love that you can download a week at a time. |
I wanted you to know that I am still using the Morning Math plus the Strictly Standards based... with my low Math group. Our AP just tested them and mine scored well above what she expected them to score... she thought in the 20% range... and all of mine scored in the high 40% except two of my babies scored 69% and 67%.I wanted to let you know how wonderful the worksheets are and just how much they are helping my class. You are such a blessing! |
I absolutely couldn’t teach my fundamental math class without your site. I have 10 students ranging from students working on recognizing numbers and writing them, to students adding and subtracting fractions. My lower students have learned the months of the year and days of the week by daily completing Today is … Some have to copy from their planners (great strategy), but most have memorized. I catch a few wise ones looking on my calendar for guidance. All of my students love the money word problems.
When I looked over the sample materials on Education Creations, I thought it had a lot to offer me as a special needs teacher, but once I got the full subscription, I was really blown away!! This is the best investment I have ever made in all my years of teaching. THANK YOU! |
I really, really appreciate the hard work you put into your website. I use worksheets from the strictly standards math and daily language regularly in my classroom. They are perfect for morning work. Because the format is structured the kids know what to expect and I usually don't have problems with "slow-starters or pokeys" because they know they can be successful. |
I am so happy with my subscription to Education Creations…I use your material frequently in my classroom. |
I wanted to let you know how very impressed I am with your educational site. The approach is child-friendly, novel, and the didactic theme is always right-on target. My home-schooled daughter is ADHD with a significant delay in language due to auditory processing problems. Your "Five W Questions" are wonderful. |
Subscribing to your website is one of the greatest investments I've made as a teacher. It's wonderful! |
I love your site and find new things all the time! |
By the way, my kids love the math bookmarks. We still have days that odd and even are confusing to them. We group our kids for math and my little guys are behind... but with your wonderful worksheets we are making good progress. |
I am writing to request that when you have the time, please make additional sets of the Fix-It Worksheets for sentence repair. I have used all 3 sets you've made, and they are fantastic. I just love all your site has to offer. |
Your quick responses to my requests amaze me. Thank you for this great site. |
I have been using the Daily Language and Daily Writing worksheets with my special ed kids and I cannot begin to tell you how much they have helped these kids with their language skills and writing. Thank you for creating quality items like these. This site is a blessing to teachers who work with multiple levels. |
I LOVE this website!!!! It is worth every cent. |
Thanks, and thanks for the website...incredibly useful and practical in a special ed room! |
Thank you so much for your help. I have been using the Daily Language, Writing, and Math in my first grade. The students have really been making progress since the beginning of the year. I check the site every week to see what is new. Keep up the great work. |
The new math fact game is great. I hope you will make more games because my kids love them! |
We love your worksheets. I find that the parents will help their children with them because they are easy to understand. The writing ones have really helped my students to become better writers. |
This site is SO worth the money and then some! Thank you! |
I got the link this morning and I am glued to my computer looking through everything. This is awesome! Keep up the good work. |
The kids really like doing the word problems with the pictures. |
Thank you sooooo much for your attention to detail and GREAT customer service!! |
The new Four a Day word problems are just perfect. I like that the problems ask for clue words and other information. I hope you will make more of these soon. |
I love the group stories. My students have a great time with these..... |
My students are very low academically. They have always had trouble writing in complete sentence answers. The Five Questions worksheets have not only been fun for my kids, but their skills have really improved. These are just great! Thank you for adding them to the site. |
My kids really like the Daily Language pages, I include them with vocab and a few other things to make weekly differentiated packets. EC makes it easy to create differentiated materials for my class. |
My kids love to write thanks to your writing materials. Thank you! |
Education Creations is the best value I have found to supplement my classroom curriculum. |
I really enjoy using the word problems that you created with the drawing of the picture and writing the problem. It really makes the kids pay attention to each part of the problem. |